Looking great is not just for women! Every guy knows that it feels better to like what you see in the mirror, and what you want to show to the world. No matter what your age you can take care of yourself and be the best you can be!
Laser Hair Removal can make a huge difference. Remember that guy with the furry back at the pool? Don’t let that be you! Get rid of unwanted body hair and neck hair with a series of laser treatments at The Better You Clinic.
Botox for men? You’d be surprised. According to a study in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, the number of American men getting Botox injections has shot up 258% recently! Why, and what is it all about? Well men, like women, get nasty lines on their faces that can make them look angry, tired, and just, well . . . old. Would you do something to prevent it if you could? Why not?
Be more adventurous and try dermal fillers to correct problem areas. Radiesse has an adorable video for men that is worth checking out.
Laser face treatments are for everybody with a face. Tighten, firm up, and look great. Nobody has to know why you look so good!
And shh… what about skin care products? More and more men are using them. Pretty much, there is no better way to get a woman’s attention than having great skin. Talk to Dr. Jobalia about what will work best for you.